A fire to a 24000 sq ft warehouse in Peterborough had caused extensive smoke damage to the existing metal roof panels and supporting structural steelwork.
Prior to letting the space to new tenants a refurbishment of the industrial unit was required and Sprayzone were chosen as the preferred spraying contractor to clean, prepare and spray coat the existing soffit and beams.

This photograph shows the extent of the smoke damage.
The first stage of the works was to remove the carbon deposits using a suitable cleaner and high pressure cleaning.

This was followed by spray application of two full coats of a high performance self priming topcoat that is not only fast drying and durable, but exhibits excellent anti corrosive properties.
The roof panels were sprayed white and the steel beams were picked out in a contrasting blue.

The works were completed in approximately 2 weeks and following a thorough final clean down of all areas the site was handed back to the client.
Feedback was very good with the client commenting that …”the spray works are excellent and the job has been handled very professionally”.