Spray Painting Aluminium Windows

At Sprayzone we have extensive experience of spraying all types of aluminium window frames to commercial properties. Delivering a cost effective, high quality finish.

We are frequently specified to complete window spraying projects on commercial offices, industrial units, schools, hospitals and other public buildings. Where our professional quality, spray applied coatings provide a fast drying and durable finish to both internal and external surfaces.

spray painting aluminum windows Spray Painting Aluminium Windows
spray painting aluminum windows1 Spray Painting Aluminium Windows

Key properties

  • Professional Quality, Durable Finish
  • Full Range of BS & RAL Colours
  • 5 Year Warranty Available
  • Unique Resin & Pigment Technology
  • Extremely Fast Drying
  • Wide Range of Gloss Levels
  • Internal & External Surfaces

High quality coating

Colour+fast (AC-02) has been developed specifically for spray application on to existing aluminium window frames, including powder coated, bronze anodised and satin anodised finishes.

Following thorough surface preparation, excellent adhesion is achieved to all aluminium substrates using our range of etch and two pack epoxy primers.

The finishing coat is a fast drying two pack acrylic, which utilises the latest resin and pigment technology to provide a durable finish to both internal and external sections.

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spray painting aluminum windows3 Spray Painting Aluminium Windows

Professional on site spraying

Applied by our skilled spraying teams, we guarantee to transform your existing windows with minimal disruption to your business or customers.

To find out more about our window spraying service, please download a datasheet.

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