Shopfront Spraying – How to refresh your shopfront

Surface Information

Factory coated metal sections are extensively used within the construction process to provide a durable and consistent finish. Although the factory applied coating has a long life expectancy, it is inevitable that at some stage during the buildings life cycle, there will be a requirement to refresh these surfaces. At this point, it is critical that the correct paint system is specified and that a specialist contractor is employed to ensure surface compatibility and maximum life expectancy of the finished coating.

Coating Specification

Specifying the correct coating system will ensure optimum performance and maximum life expectancy for your refurbished shopfront. A specialist coating such as colour+fast (AC-01) is recommended, but it is advisable to speak directly to the coating manufacturer or to a reputable applicator, who will inevitably have extensive experience in using a number of different coatings and will be able to advise on the best solution for your particular shopfront and location.

Shop Front Spraying 2 Shopfront Spraying - How to refresh your shopfront

Surface Preparation

Adequate surface preparation is crucial to ensure good adhesion to the underlying substrate and for achieving the best possible finish from the coating. As a minimum, it is recommended that all existing failing coatings and silicon mastic joints are removed. All surfaces are then cleaned down and thoroughly abraded to achieve a good mechanical key and finally all surfaces are degrease to remove all traces of contaminants.

Masking & Protection

Extensive masking is completed prior to commencement of the spraying process to ensure that adjacent walls, floors, furniture and stock are protected. It is important that all masking is completed accurately and thoroughly to achieve a crisp and professional finish.

Shopfront Spraying
surface preparation

Coating Application

There are various types of spray equipment that can be employed to successfully spray a shopfront, but it is important that a trained and experienced applicator is used to ensure works are completed safely and to the required standard. Examples of commonly used spray equipment include, compressed air systems, high volume low pressure (HVLP) systems and Electrostatic systems.

Programming Works

To minimise disruption to the normal trading routine it is preferable for the majority of the spraying works to be completed out-of-hours. A good contractor will not charge a premium for this service.

On Site Spraying

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