60 trees planted to contribute to Sprayzone’s corporate sustainability

One tree planted to support reforestationAs part of our corporate sustainability policy, we committed to planting a tree for every day we are carrying out work on site towards the end of 2021. We are pleased to say that this means we planted 60 trees through One Tree Planted in 2021 and will be continuing this throughout 2022.

Why are we committing to planting trees?

We believe that we all have a part to play in reducing our impact on the world around us and planting trees is a small way that we can offset our corporate impact. As for the benefits of planting trees, some are obvious but others are less so: did you know that forests provide key ingredients for 25% of all medicine? Here are the six key pillars explaining why trees are so important that One Tree Planted share on their website:

sustainability air 60 trees planted to contribute to Sprayzone's corporate sustainability


Increasing levels of carbon dioxide caused by deforestation and fossil fuel combustion trap heat in the atmosphere. Acting to stop deforestation and replant the trees helps to:

  • Clean the air we breathe
  • Absorb harmful pollutants
  • Release clean oxygen
  • Reduce the effects of climate change


Trees play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides. Just their root systems:

  • act like filters
  • remove pollutants
  • slow down the water’s absorption into the soil, preventing harmful waterslide erosion
  • reduce the risk of over-saturation and flooding

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Association, a mature evergreen tree can intercept more than 15,000 litres of water every year.

sustainability water 60 trees planted to contribute to Sprayzone's corporate sustainability
sustainability biodiversity 60 trees planted to contribute to Sprayzone's corporate sustainability


Hundreds of species of insect, fungi, moss, mammals and plants can rely on just one tree. Forests are essential for biodiversity with different types of animals, flora and fauna relying on young forests, middle-aged forests and older forests.

Social impact

Trees don’t just look after the ecosystem that we live in but also provide:

  • job opportunities from arborists to loggers and researchers
  • timber to build homes and shelters
  • wood to burn for cooking and heating

In addition, food-producing trees provide fruit, nuts, berries, and leaves for consumption by both humans and animals.

sustainability 60 trees planted to contribute to Sprayzone's corporate sustainability
sustainability health 60 trees planted to contribute to Sprayzone's corporate sustainability


Trees help reduce stress and anxiety, and allow us to reconnect with nature. In addition, shade provided by tree coverage helps protect our skin from the ever-increasing harshness of the sun. 


In cities, trees can reduce ambient temperatures by up to 8° Celsius. With more than 50% of the world’s population living in cities — a number expected to increase to 66% by the year 2050 — pollution and overheating are becoming a real threat. Trees help cool the planet by sucking in and storing harmful greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into their trunks, branches, and leaves — and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere.

sustainability forestry 60 trees planted to contribute to Sprayzone's corporate sustainability

To read the full details of each of these key pillars, visit the One Tree Planted website here.

What else are we doing to improve Sprayzone’s corporate sustainability?

We source water-based or low VOC coatings where possible which are more environmentally friendly alternatives to the older coatings.

We choose our suppliers to make sure that they are equally committed to sustainability.

We recycle solvents in house.

We use renewable energy where possible including starting to switch to electric cars and making sure that our energy supplier uses renewable energy sources. We reduce our waste and recycle all that we can.

We are actively seeking ways to improve our corporate sustainability and will be updating our sustainability page as things progress.

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