Cladding Spraying – Industrial Unit, Andover

This industrial unit in Andover, Hampshire was undergoing a programme of refurbishment prior to occupation by the new tenants.  

The exterior cladding panels were showing signs of extensive ageing and weathering, with the existing colour badly faded and localised failure of the original plastisol finish.

Cladding spraying industrial unit
claddingspraying andover2 Cladding Spraying - Industrial Unit, Andover

Sprayzone were chosen as the preferred spraying contractor to extensively prepare and spray paint all elevations of the unit back to the original colour reference (Vandyke Brown)

Preparation of the surface including removal of all the existing failing plastisol back to a firm edge, application of a fungicidal wash and high pressure cleaning. 

claddingspraying andover3 Cladding Spraying - Industrial Unit, Andover
claddingspraying andover4 Cladding Spraying - Industrial Unit, Andover

All sections of bare metal were spot primed, prior to spray application of 2 no. coats of  Manor Hi Build, a rapid drying high performance, anti-corrosive self priming low sheen topcoat, giving a tough flexible film with remarkable adhesion.

The works were completed in approximately one week on site, using cherry pickers to access all high level surfaces.

claddingspraying andover5 Cladding Spraying - Industrial Unit, Andover
claddingspraying andover6 Cladding Spraying - Industrial Unit, Andover

If you have a project that requires the existing cladding panels to be refurbished and painted, please contact our friendly sales team on 023 8070 4238. 

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